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Embarking on Your Coaching Business Journey - A Disneyland Adventure

Imagine the excitement of going to Disneyland for the first time. The anticipation builds as you envision the thrilling rides, amazing attractions, and magical experiences that await you.

Just like stepping foot into the enchanting world of Disneyland, launching your coaching business can be an exhilarating adventure filled with growth, opportunity, and fun. As you embark on this new chapter, I have two key tips for you to guide you through the twists and turns of your coaching business journey.

💡 Tip #1: Start Somewhere, Without Attachment to Perfectionism

You've completed your training, refined your coaching skills, and now you're ready to open your doors to help people as a life coach. The question is, where do you begin? Entrepreneurship can be overwhelming, with a plethora of advice and options at your disposal.

To avoid getting lost in the sea of possibilities, adopt a mindset that encourages action over perfectionism. Instead of being paralyzed by indecision, ask yourself, "What would I like to try FIRST?" Take the plunge and start somewhere, even if it's just a baby step.

Remember- action is a faster path to learning than staying stuck in your thinking.

At the end of the day, the only things you really need to make money as a life coach are...

  1. Coaching skills

  2. Ways for your clients to find you

  3. Ways for clients to pay you

Everything else is "extra credit."

The to-do list of tasks for your business is never-ending (if you allow it to), and trying to do it all at once can lead to indecision. Allow yourself to begin with the basics and add more strategies as you grow and learn.

💡 Tip #2: Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Just like navigating through Disneyland, there will be areas of your coaching business where you'll feel confident and capable of handling it on your own. However, there will also be aspects that might feel confusing or overwhelming. Don't be afraid to seek help when needed.

If you're new to website design, funnels, social media, marketing, or any other aspect of running a business, invest time in educating yourself through tutorials and resources. Alternatively, you can hire someone who specializes in those areas to set you up for success. Remember, seeking help doesn't indicate weakness; it demonstrates your commitment to delivering the best possible experience to your clients.

In the same way, when visiting Disneyland, you can either wander around the park aimlessly or opt for a guided tour with an experienced guide. Both approaches have their merits, and it's perfectly okay to pick and choose what areas of your business you want to navigate independently and where you'd prefer to seek guidance from a mentor or coach.

Just like a Disneyland adventure, your coaching business journey will be a mixture of excitement, learning, growth, and occasional challenges. Embrace the experience and decide ahead of time that this journey will be rewarding and fulfilling. Remember, you don't need to have everything figured out from the start. Start somewhere, take action, and allow yourself to evolve as you progress.

Be open to learning, growing, and even failing along the way, as each experience will lead you closer to success. Your coaching business journey may not follow a perfect blueprint, but by adopting the right mindset and being open to help, you'll be better equipped to help others and achieve your goals as a business owner.

So, step into your coaching adventure with enthusiasm, determination, and a dash of childlike wonder. I'll be cheering you on every step of the way! 🎉

Ready to take the first step? Click Here

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Hey there! My name is Katie Wrede and I'm "The Tech Mentor for Coaches". I'm known to get a little too excited when asked to help with anything tech related...and always seems to have the latest tech tools in hand.


If you enjoy Schitt's Creek, The Office, and the Big Bang Theory; love analogies, and appreciate witty sarcasm, we are probably friendship material. 

So happy you found this page and make sure to friend me on social media and introduce yourself!

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